
BorderFleet Chronicles GM
Posts: 3,049
Post by kurff on Mar 27, 2013 14:08:37 GMT -5
"She impressed me enough to consider her a potential ally or enemy. Deciding which oh and she is an Empath. So I suspect a few other brides may have hidden or discreet talents." Tesla stated looking over his breakfeast. Wondering if the potion in his pocket might not be in the food,"Eitherway I'm not about to let my guard down too much. just enough to get on her good side. like she probably is too, showing a good side and guaging me as well." In truth he considered her a potentail friend should she be one the goodguys so to speak.
Omega Shield game master
Posts: 2,021
Post by albatross on Mar 28, 2013 6:11:17 GMT -5
"Wonderful," Fakir smiles. "You've each found someone you think is worthy. Now then, would you like to investigate them further yourselves? Or shall we switch and compare notes?" He looks around to Bellephoebe, Malone and Tesla.
Post by yendor on Mar 29, 2013 18:04:51 GMT -5
"I'm flexible with either option, as long as either option is a female dance partner," says Malone, taking a bite of toast with a grin.
Post by thorley on Apr 4, 2013 4:37:20 GMT -5
"I had the same thought that they might not be as harmless as they appear. I was hoping that by being so straightforward about what I was looking for that some of them might try and impress me after the fact.
Switching cantidates might not be a bad idea. I could go talk to Claire, the cantidate I was thinking of is Miriam, I figure someone else could talk to her and see if they find her equally impressive. She has brains to spare and seems like she could take over in a pinch.
I'd also like to give Pike another chance, I can't help but like her, though in my first meeting I can't think of anything that makes her paticularly qualified"
(This in response to Pike's successful charm roll before).
"Oh and one other point, it occured to me that we might want to do some research into the family backround of our friend with the purple eyes. I thought to check the geneologies before, but to be honest I lack any real context for these lands and couldn't make heads or tails out of it. Someone else might have better luck though,"
Omega Shield game master
Posts: 2,021
Post by albatross on Apr 4, 2013 6:38:12 GMT -5
Fakir eats another pastry and sips some tea, "These really are delicious. A bit strong..." He considers for a moment. "Alright. Tesla, introduce Bellephoebe to Claire. Come up with someplace the three of you could go. Perhaps riding or hawking? Or whatever you can think of. And don't forget about your other assignment Tesla..."
"Let's see... Malone. Why don't you match wits with Miriam? Work your charms. Bellephoebe speaks highly of her."
"Leaving Lily and Pike? I'll ask one of the nuns to investigate Pike's geneology. Perhaps Talon can take a look at the notes. And I'll break Pike out of the library and take her someplace fun."
"I suppose we can wait to follow up with Lily. Right now Tesla has too much to work on, between introducing Claire to Bellephoebe and science. Malone can continue to deal with her. Either invite her along or put her off til later. You can introduce her to Tesla when his chores are done."
Post by yendor on Apr 5, 2013 12:03:18 GMT -5
"Matching wits with a woman? Are you mad? They're some of the most dangerous foes!" Dabbing his mouth with a napkin, bites into a piece of fruit, chews and swallows. "Sure, always did enjoy teasing the lion in its den."
Post by thorley on Apr 6, 2013 12:35:35 GMT -5
Bellephoebe responds to Malone "Just remember your arguably holding all the cards there. Miriam ultimatly wants you to recommend her to Talon. Besides, the more cunning she is the better. I imagine whatever cantidate we choose this world is going to have to deal witha a lot of problems, the better we can arm it to deal with those problems the better the chance of ensuring a brighter future".
"That said, I've never ridden a mount that didn't fly, and I'm relatively new at that. The horseback riding could be embarassing if I kept falling off. The hawking might work though, I've never done that either, and don't expect much success, but at least my garmets should prevent it's talons from doing any real damage to me even if I can't successfully get it to do anything. I'll be there mostly to talk to Claire anyway".
Bellephoebe can't help but wonder how much "fun" this could be, she pities the state of entertainment before the development of even the crudest video games.
Post by yendor on Apr 11, 2013 10:11:03 GMT -5
"Ah, if only Jonas was in my position. Of course, the place would look very different." Chuckles sipping some tea. "He likes holding cards, to put it politely. I'll do my best to make sure the right one is recommended, and chaos, if any, is minimal."
Omega Shield game master
Posts: 2,021
Post by albatross on Apr 15, 2013 6:34:35 GMT -5
After breakfast, Fakir goes in search of Talon to get him complete the geneaology research. Fakir also plans to look for Pike.
Tesla, Caterina and Bellephoebe are able to find Claire easily enough. Claire curtsies gracefully to Bellephoebe and asks if they are going on another outing. "Another tour? Or is there some other entertainment you wish?"
Malone has no trouble finding Miriam's room. She sits reading with the door open as if expecting company.
Post by yendor on Apr 15, 2013 20:18:02 GMT -5
Raps lightly on the door frame. "Am I interrupting a particularly good passage?"
Omega Shield game master
Posts: 2,021
Post by albatross on Apr 16, 2013 6:24:18 GMT -5
Miriam stretches casually, closes and sets the book down, not bothering with a bookmark. "How could a mere book compare to your presense?" Miriam says. Her tone is amused, yet laced with a tinge of... sarcasm? Mockery?
She doesn't stand to greet him, merely watching him from the chair, gauging him.

BorderFleet Chronicles GM
Posts: 3,049
Post by kurff on Apr 16, 2013 15:12:50 GMT -5
"Claire, this is Bellephoebe, a friend of mine. Since I was curious to try horse back riding and was curious to see some of the wilderness areas. She was just curious to see it as well." he smiled, "And I'm sure diplomatic tours are preferable to some of your normal daily duties and chores."
Omega Shield game master
Posts: 2,021
Post by albatross on Apr 17, 2013 17:14:39 GMT -5
"Certainly, a ride would be delightful," Claire says with a cheerful smile. She walks over to meet Bellephoebe with long strides as befitting her height and says, "A pleasure to meet you."
Post by thorley on Apr 19, 2013 7:30:18 GMT -5
Bellephoebe responds with a smile and offers her hand (for a handshake)despite this having turned awkward since she doesn't know how to ride a ground based steed (hence the earlier referance to hawking) "Pleased to meet you as well, I am interested in both seeing the woods around here, and getting to know you. You certainly seem to have impressed in your meetings so far".
Post by thorley on Apr 19, 2013 7:30:51 GMT -5
Bellephoebe responds with a smile and offers her hand (for a handshake)despite this having turned awkward since she doesn't know how to ride a ground based steed (hence the earlier referance to hawking) "Pleased to meet you as well, I am interested in both seeing the woods around here, and getting to know you. You certainly seem to have impressed in your meetings so far". (( OOC-> Apologies about delay, I was going to have Bellephoebe inquire about Beatrix's location since she missed breakfast apparently, but I couldn't figure out a way to work it into the flow of dialogue Lol.  ))