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Game Master
Posts: 5,371
Post by Dome on Oct 16, 2007 8:19:10 GMT -5
Dante looks at Miranda, "Lets go miss, I can't grab you when your flaming like that, so lead the way." He then follows her out towards the vehicle prepared to bring up a wall at any moment.
Over the radio he answers Tiger, "Not sure I could track him, best I can do is touch his mind with Telepathy until he gets out of range. If he is thinking about where he is going, then I should be able to pick it up in his thoughts. If someone else is driving, I would have to touch their mind."
Post by Mierin on Oct 16, 2007 10:19:37 GMT -5
Miranda smirks and tells Dante "It's Wind Chill." She then heads toward the Caddy, doing her best to avoid getting shot (dodge, if needed: 17, not sure if any bonuses, will check pc sheet when i get home) Once she gets close enough to the caddy, she'll go back into normal form and climbs inside with everyone else and gets ready to drive off. (assuming she is driving.. if she isn't, she'll get in and wait for the others) (tag)
Omega Shield game master
Posts: 2,021
Post by albatross on Oct 16, 2007 17:26:30 GMT -5
Tiger says calmly to Wind Chill, "I think I'll drive this time." She sprays an entire clip from the assualt rifle to provide cover.
"Lay down cover fire until everyone else get's here." She watches carefully for threats, barely looking at where she is aiming.
Post by dakota on Oct 17, 2007 6:48:09 GMT -5
" You know me, bosskitty, I'll be fine." Khris replied with a smug tone. " They'll never find me. Get the others out of here and I'll catch up later." He had shift positions again, but held his fire as he used his shroud to watch for enemy movement in silence, waiting for them to make a mistake.
Post by Mierin on Oct 17, 2007 13:08:37 GMT -5
Miranda shrugs and slides over from the driver's seat to the passenger's side and waits for the others to get into the car so they can get out of there before they were getting shot at again. (tag)
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Game Master
Posts: 5,371
Post by Dome on Oct 17, 2007 13:31:06 GMT -5
Dante follows the others lead and gets in the vehicle. He looks around to see if there are any other vehicles around. If he sees one, he takes control of it and sends it towards the enemies last known location after saying, "your about to get a huge distraction." (Telemechanic mental operation, ISP=12/ 1d20 To strike enemy position w/vehicle = 12)
Post by shiivster on Oct 19, 2007 12:57:15 GMT -5
*Jeckle knows that she should be in the vehicle, but seems to smile as she spots Miranda and then Cerebrum head out and get into the car. Spotting Tiger there as well, she aims and then pulls the trigger on the 2 modified guns and watches as the projectiles impact in a large double explosive cloud on the walking tank.
*as she races for the car she is heard muttering 'gods .. i really hope that took him off his feet at least ... '
[OOC - stats for the weapon .. Vehicle Stopper .. i believe i saw it in the HU-revised .. it may be in the HU2 as well .... ]
Omega Shield game master
Posts: 2,021
Post by albatross on Oct 19, 2007 17:31:45 GMT -5
Patriot is starting to retreat, firing as he goes.
Tiger turns to Jeckle, "Never mind stopping him! Do you have anything to track him with?"
Post by dakota on Oct 20, 2007 4:42:00 GMT -5
Seeing everyone else was in the clear, Khris rung out three more shots before ducking from the edge of the roof and put away his weapon. As quickly as he could, he made his way to the end of the building and stopped, looking for any signs enemy soldiers. Once satisfied he was somewhat clear, he crawled down the side of the building as fast as his camoflague would allow. Once on the ground, he started towards his bike, radioing in," I'm on the ground. Let's get the heck out of here before those blokes out back realized we're retreating and come to see us off."
Post by shiivster on Oct 25, 2007 17:34:31 GMT -5
*Jeckle pauses long enough to root thru a pocket and comes up with a green and pink vial. 'should be able to shoot this into his face. when he inhales, his insides should light up on the radiation tracker for the next 36 hours .. unless they do something crazy and do bigtime healing .. then i have no clue how long it will last ... '
*she hands it over to the one with the closest weapon to fire it as she roots about for the tracker unit and pulls it out. 'goog thing .. the range is about the same as a cell phone .. so anytime boss .. '
*she then ducks into the car and gets comfy in the back seat .. to become that annoying 'backseat driver'.
Omega Shield game master
Posts: 2,021
Post by albatross on Oct 25, 2007 19:54:25 GMT -5
Tiger takes the vial, skips sideways over 50ft, snaps up her revolver, and fires at the guy. Most of his armor is blown away from Jeckle knockdown rounds and he is getting slowly to his feet. It was hard to see if Tiger loaded the vial of not.
Tiger hops back to the car, slides over the hood and peels out backwards as Patriot gets into the car last, still firing out the window.
Quickly accelerating up to 50mph, still traveling backwards, Tiger executes a reverse kick turn, whipping the Caddy around neatly. Then she slams the gas and turns down an alley even as the soldiers start to give chase in APCs. In moments, th Caddy has outrun them.
"Well," Tiger asks, "Is the tracker working, or do I need to go back there and do that again?"
"Shroud, are you clear?"
[tag: any]
Post by dakota on Oct 26, 2007 15:19:55 GMT -5
Khris moved as `fast as his camoflague allowed. " Looks like I'm clear, most of them chased you. I'll catch up in a bit."
" First rounds on you." He added as he reached his bike, his senses stretched to the limit as he climbed aboard the cycle and fished his keys from his pocket.
Omega Shield game master
Posts: 2,021
Post by albatross on Oct 27, 2007 5:25:48 GMT -5
"Sure," she agrees with Shroud, "Before that..." She glances around at Patriot, Dante and Wind Chill while driving. "What did you learn from our informant?"
She turns her eyes back to the road, keeping up her defensive driving, making sure they don't get caught by the slow APCs.
[Tag: any]
Post by shiivster on Oct 27, 2007 14:53:18 GMT -5
*Jeckle fiddled with the knob a bit more and then grinned like the Cheshire Cat. 'got him .. gotta hate the moment you inhale when hit with a dirt clod. auto reflex and all .. '
*she leans over the seat, avoiding getting into Tiger's way and shows Miranda how to track the dot that is the target. the quiet instructions and the lesson is to the point.
'this is a 3 mile radius being scanned from center out. this will show us where abouts he goes. don't worry if he gets out of range .. this is sensitive enough to pick up the dual isotope blend. we'll get him again after we get into range again. it will point his location with the blip here. its all basic, auto compass directions as well .. have fun'
*she showed her the zoom function as well for a 5 block radius. 'something that my bro needed for some .. job he needed to do' *her blind trust with Miranda shows that while she might understand the 'team player' thing .. she isn't the greatest at it and is willing to hand off the tools to get the job done by another. 'sides .. better the instructions come from the front seat' *her mind is ticking over a few other ideas that might come in handy*
Post by Mierin on Oct 27, 2007 22:09:47 GMT -5
Miranda listens carefully to the instructions Jeckle gives her about how to track the target and watches it carefully as Tiger drives. (tag)